miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Wind Power

Energy sources of most impact to the environment are coal and hydrocarbons which mainly affect water bodies, soils and wildlife, and human health.

Minihidroeléctica: The exploitable hydropower potential in Mexico is significant although its use is low and is concentrated mainly in the south of the country where water resources are abundant. The proportion of this energy is zero for public purposes.

Wind energy: Energy obtained through wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity through a turbine. The main areas of greatest wind potential.

Solar energy: For the exploitation of this energy source available thermal and photovoltaic systems photo. The photo thermal systems convert solar radiation into heat and transfer it to a working fluid, the heat is then used to heat buildings, water, power turbines to generate electricity, dry beans or destroy hazardous wastes.

Renewables are generally more expensive to produce and use than fossil fuels. Besides other factors, renewable resources are often in remote areas, and is expensive to build power lines to cities where it is needed the electricity they produce. The use of renewable sources is also limited by the fact that not always available - cloudy days reduce solar energy, calm days reduces the power of the wind and drought reduces water available for hydropower.

If you are in Mexico, the main wind resource in Mexico is located in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Oaxaca. In windier areas (Sale), the annual average wind speed at 50m height exceeding 10m / s in the coastal plain where there are also areas with high winds, moderate and low.

jueves, 13 de septiembre de 2012

Eco- villages


It is an architectural structure that generates energy and food resources so sustenible.

They are based on the principles of protecting our environment, organic agriculture.

Implements latest technology on the basis of respect, not exploitation of natural resources.

Is most important consider this proyect because is one alternative to help this world and is more beautifull.

The habitants decide, plan, design, build, habitat and social organization. This they do care, preserving and exploiting natural resources without harming the nature and health. This cover their needs.
The vision of a culture is Ecovillages where people, both north and south, live in harmony with each other and with the natural environment.

I would like to live eco- villages because is most important  care the world and this option is very likely.

lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012


It is produced as a result of the release of toxic substances. Air pollution can cause disorders such as burning eyes and nose, irritation and itching of the throat and respiratory problems. Under certain conditions, some chemicals that are found in polluted air can cause cancer, birth defects, brain damage and nervous system disorders and lung damage and airway. A certain level of concentration and after some time of exposure, certain air pollutants are extremely dangerous and can cause serious disorders and even death.

Find a solution to help reduce this type of pollution, the walls are green, and that will create more oxygen and  reduce contamination greatly.

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012


I talk about the


Is a process  used to create the illusion of motion pictures or drawings or other inanimate objects (clay figures). There are much techniques for animation beyond the cartoons.
The tables can be generated by drawing, painting or photographing the tiny changes made repeatedly to a model of reality or a virtual three-dimensional model, it is also possible to animate objects and actors reality.